日々絵「死と生の廻り Around death and life」 08.03.21



100年前に建てられた我が家の庭の椿の木に  はじめて沢山の花が咲きました


この家で4人の子どもを育てた祖父は     私が4歳の時に亡くなりました


お葬式の日 この広間を埋め尽くすような  祭壇の菊の花が 今も記憶に甦ります


ほどなくして 庭の池の鯉が自ら跳ねて   庭に上がり亡くなったそうです


今 その池のたもとに咲く椿の花が     新しい命がやって来るのを教えてくれている ような気がしています




Many flowers bloomed for the first time on the camellia tree in my garden, which was built 100 years ago


My grandfather who raised four children in this house died when I was four years old


On the day of the funeral,
the chrysanthemum flowers on the altar that fill this hall are still remembered


Soon, the carp in the pond in the garden bounced on its own and went up to the garden and died


I feel that the camellia flowers that are blooming at the edge of the pond are telling us that new lifes are coming